
Plan and Book Your Honeymoon Planning your honeymoon can be just as important as the wedding day itself. Your honeymoon is a time for you to spend together alone as husband and wife, celebrating your marriage. A honeymoon should be very romantic and an intimate time to spend together, kick starting your relationship in a…

Meet the Minister

Make An Appointment with Minister/Celebrant With the majority of the wedding style planning being complete and under control there are some of the legalities of the wedding that need to be finalised. Part of this process includes meeting with your minister ormarriage celebrant to not only determine the running sheet for your big day but…

Wedding Stationery

Organise Your Wedding Stationery The wedding stationery is one of the major parts of forming your wedding style. Wedding invitations are the guests first glimpse into your wedding and what to expect, so ensure you select something that reflects the rest of your wedding style. These days there are so many different types and styles of invitations…

Wedding Styles

Deciding the Style of the Wedding When you think about wedding style the terms formal, semi-formal and informal often come to mind. These terms often are the foundations to a wedding style, theme and type. A wedding theme is often decided based on these wedding terms (formal, semi-formal & informal) and will become a constant…