Wedding Dresses

Search for Wedding and Bridesmaids Dresses Before you hit the shops the best thing that I can suggest is to not only do some research and get some inspiration but to know your body shape and what wedding dress will suit you best. This also goes for your bridesmaids, there is nothing worse than seeing…

Wedding Style

The wedding style and planning is the part of a wedding that young girls often dream about, choosing the perfect wedding dress, flowers, hair & make-up, making their dreams become reality. All of the details and planning of the wedding style will be covered in the next section of the wedding check-list. The following points will be discussed in…

Select the Bridal Party

Selecting the Wedding Bridal Party Before you can make any decisions on style of dresses, flowers and suits you need to select your bridal party, that is how many bridesmaids and grooms-men and who will fill these important roles. Not forgetting all the other members of the bridal party such as flower girls and page boys, ushers…

Wedding Styles

Deciding the Style of the Wedding When you think about wedding style the terms formal, semi-formal and informal often come to mind. These terms often are the foundations to a wedding style, theme and type. A wedding theme is often decided based on these wedding terms (formal, semi-formal & informal) and will become a constant…

Search for a Ceremony Venue

Search for a Ceremony Venue that Suits Your Needs Finding the right venue for your wedding ceremony is often a difficult job. Without repeating myself and doubling up on topic information, there are different styles of weddings (that we discuss later) and this will in most cases affect the ceremony location. Having said that, it…

Wedding Planning

Will you plan the wedding yourself, or use a wedding planner? When it comes to planning a wedding there really are only two options. You can either put the time into planning the wedding yourself, sourcing all the suppliers, getting quotes and following through with the collection of all the wedding bits and pieces. Or you…

After the Engagement

After the engagement has settled down and you have announced your engagement and celebrated the occasion, it is down to business. The following points will be covered and discussed in further details, they are however not in a particular order. Some could argue you need to sit down and set a budget first before deciding…